Friday, November 30, 2012

Public Catholic School

In Canada, kids have the option of going to public catholic school, free!

So, we live about 500 meters from the local public catholic school that my kids are now going. They have to wear a uniform, which is unfortunate, but oh well.

Good school, we're very happy. Kids seem more or less happy. Once they make some friends.

Kids come home with all sorts of questions. Heaven and hell are the current topics. Being uneducated in terms of religion, I am not a good source of information. The kids always ask me first for confirmation.

Actual conversation I had with my 7 yr old son

kid: Will I go to heaven?
mom : yes
kid: If I lie, will I go to hell?
mom: no
kid: well, my teacher says I will go to hell if I lie.
mom: do you think it's a good idea to lie?
kid: no
mom: neither does your teacher. Do you understand why your teacher doesn't want you to lie?
kid: yes
mom: if kids lie, then it would creat chaos, right? Therefore, you should always tell the truth. Do you think you will go to hell?
kid: no
mom: so what's the problem?
kid: will I or will I not go to hell if I lie?
mom: do you believe in hell?
kid: no
mom: neither do I
kid: but my teacher says I will go to hell if I lie.
mom: there are many philosophies regarding religion. The church talks about hell as a way of keeping a code of behavior for people to follow. So, you're going to hear about hell. Religion has black and white opposites like heaven/hell, good/bad, etc. Just because the church says something is, doesn't mean it's true.  It's just one philosophy of thought. You should listen to it, but also think for yourself.
kid: What do you think?
mom: personally, I believe in heaven though there is no proof. I need to believe. I don't believe in hell and I think all people, no matter how bad they are, go to heaven.
kid: Will I go to heaven?
mom: of course
kid: but, will I?
mom: What do you think?
kid: yes
mom: good, I agree

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